Coursework logistics
The coursework assignments should be done in groups of 3 or 4 people.
You will be working with the same group for both courseworks.
Every group member is expected to contribute sufficiently to the implementation of both courseworks.
If you are an AI4Health CDT student, ideally you will form groups from your own cohort, unless you decide to submit both courseworks.
Group formation
Ideally you will form your group by the start of Week 3 when coursework 1 is released.
You will only need to officially register your group members when you submit coursework 1, so you may change members before that if needed.
Handing in your coursework
At this time of writing, Scientia does not yet support group work submission. The feature is expected to be released by the time you submit the first coursework. (Nope!)
In the meantime, below are instructions on how to submit group courseworks on good old CATE.
How do you submit a group work on CATE?
- Pick a leader.
- The leader of the group will be the only person allowed to submit.
- The leader will add the remaining members to the group on CATE.
- Each group member will then sign an individual declaration to confirm that the member is part of the group. This has to be done separately for each coursework before the deadline.
More details about what to submit will be given in the coursework specifications.
If your leader cannot find you on CATE, it means that you have accidentally declared yourself as a leader. Please delete your submissions (if any), and then delete your individual declaration that you signed. Your leader will then be able to find you and add you on CATE. Then you can sign your group declaration AFTER you have been added.
Late submission penalties
Scientia is very very strict with deadlines. The departmental late submission policies will apply:
- Up to 24 hours: Mark is capped to pass.
- Beyond 24 hours: Mark = 0
It is ok if a member signs his/her declaration late, but the leader must NOT submit late, or the above penalties will apply.
If your group needs an individual extension or need to submit late with a valid reason, you should formally apply for an extension or mitigation via your degree coordinator or senior tutor. Depending on your degree, this will be:
- Chiraag Lala (for BEng/MEng Computing and JMC)
- Timothy Kimber (for MSc Computing (Specialisms) and Advanced Computing)
- Rob Craven (for MSc AI)
- Esther Perea (for EIE students)
- Britta Ross (for AI4Health CDTs)
Josiah, Antoine and Marek have absolutely NO POWER to grant you any individual extensions, no matter how hard you cry or beg.