This is an archived version of the course. Please see the latest version of the course.

Exam information

Hope you have learnt a lot about Machine Learning throughout your time with us the past two months!

As you are aware, your final exam (or rather Timed Remote Assessment (TRA)) will happen in Week 11.

We will provide more information in our final Live Revision/Q&A session on Thursday. In the meantime, here is some basic information:

  1. It will be held remotely using AnswerBook. The department will provide more details about this and any practice sessions in due course.
  2. You will be writing out your answers, and digitising and uploading your answers via AnswerBook.
  3. You will answer all 3 out of 3 questions.
  4. The duration is 90 minutes + an additional 15 25 minutes (or whatever the department eventually decides) to upload your answers to AnswerBook.
  5. Past year exams are available on the department’s exam page.
    • See C395 for 2019/20 and before
    • See C553 for 2019/20 (same syllabus)
    • See COMP97101 and COMP96034 for 2020/21 (both use the same syllabus. These are both TRAs)
  6. No official model or sample answers will be provided for past year exams (departmental policy). Official examiner feedback is provided for some of the more recent ones: