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Everything is an object

In Python, all values are (in a sense) objects.

Unlike Java, even basic data types like int and float are objects.

So 356, 3.2, 4+5j, "Imperial", False are all objects.

Do you not believe me? Try these:

>>> isinstance(2020, object) 
>>> isinstance(4.33, object)
>>> isinstance(5j, object)
>>> isinstance(True, object)
>>> isinstance("COVID-19", object)

Therefore, the following are actually object constructors for the respective built-in type, that takes in some input and creates an instance of the type from the input (if valid). Try each of the following (and note the default values).

>>> int()
>>> float()
>>> complex()
>>> bool()
>>> str()
>>> int(-9.789)
>>> float(9)
>>> float("nan")
>>> float("inf")
>>> float("-inf")
>>> complex(1,2)
>>> bool(1)
>>> bool("")
>>> str("Hello")
>>> str(10)