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Mathematical operators like +, -, *, / and % work as expected in Python.

A note that division (/) behaves as mathematically expected (returning a float).

If you want the integer division behaviour of Java, use floor division //!

>>> 5/3
>>> 5//3

Python also has a power/exponentiation operator **. So the code below computes \(2^3\).

>>> 2**3

Comparison operators

Comparison operators <, >, <=, >=, ==, != are the same as in Java. You can additionally chain expressions together as follows.

>>> x = 5
>>> 3 < x < 6
>>> 5 < x <= 8

Logical Operators

Logical operators !, &&, || in Java are in plain English in Python (not, and, or).

>>> not True
>>> True and False
>>> True or False
>>> x = 7
>>> y = 2
>>> x > 3 and y < 1
>>> not x >= 5 and x < 3      # make sure you understand the 
>>> not (x >= 5 and x < 3)    # difference between these two
>>> not 5 + y > 3 * x or 4 == x + 3